
Reaseheath's events team join Principal Marcus Clinton at the college's Royal Cheshire Show stand.

Reaseheath’s stand wins praise at Royal Cheshire Show

Reaseheath’s action packed stand was runner-up in the Best Trade Stand in the Rural Life Area at the Royal Cheshire Show.

4 ways to prepare for college

Hooray! You have finished your GCSEs and now you have the whole summer to enjoy and relax. Take time for yourself, spend time with friends and family and soak up the sun. Make the most of this time before you start on your next adventure to college.

Don’t let it consume you too much but do remember to do a little bit of preparation for college. This will help to settle your nerves nearer the time and ensure you’re in a great position to get stuck in straight away.

Get an organiser/diary

When you get to college, you may notice you are a lot busier with your studies and social life, so ensuring all your plans and important dates are noted down will make sure you never miss a special occasion, or college deadline.

You will have a bit more freedom and independence in comparison to high school and you may have free periods, so when you receive your timetable at the start of your course, try and plan your week around this, making best use of your time.


Depending on your course of study, you may require different pieces of equipment, it’s a good idea to check this before you start. You can find the full list of equipment you need for your chosen course on the Kit List 2023 page of our website.

Whichever course you have chosen, pens, paper and folders will also be wise to purchase to make notes in lessons and keep everything nice and organised.

Plan your travel route

If you are not living on campus, you will need to have a think about how you will get to college every day. There are many different effective ways to travel, if you live locally you may drive, walk or bike.

If you live a little further afield, consider bus routes or the train. At Reaseheath, we offer a range of efficient and cost-effective methods of transportation including extensive bus routes and even pick-ups from Crewe station.

Moving away from home

Not everyone will move away from home for college, but for those who are, our campus is fully equipped with everything you’ll need for a home away from home. You will be catered for in our catering facilities, so you will not need to worry about purchasing lots of kitchen utensils or stocking up on lots of food.

However, you should prepare the items you will need for your bedroom and bathroom including;

– Duvet, pillows and bedding

– Clothes and shoes

– Cleaning supplies

– Room decorations

– Towels


Now you have a slightly better understanding of what you can do to prepare yourself for college, take this time to enjoy your summer and spend time with friends.

Don’t forget if you are feeling overwhelmed by the transition speak to your friends and family, or others who have started college.

Reaseheath vehicle technicians give Santa a helping hand

Santa’s sleigh will slide more slickly round the streets of Nantwich thanks to pre-season preparation by Reaseheath’s student vehicle technicians.

Students from our Levels 2 and 3 IMI Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair courses, along with pupils on our 14 -16 years schools programme, have overhauled the sleigh in time for its festive charity trip around town with The Rotary Club of Nantwich.

For the third year running our students have carried out general maintenance including repairs to the generator, welding a new frame and a full check of the fairy lights. They have also repainted the sleigh and decorated it with new decals.

Rotary Club Membership Secretary John Crowe said: “Families look forward to a visit from Santa in the period running up to Christmas and it gives us the chance to raise money for worthy local charities.

“Reaseheath’s students do a wonderful job and we are always confident that the sleigh will be looking at its best.”

Said Level 2 student Callum Dix: “Renovating Santa’s sleigh gave us a chance to use many of the skills we’ve learned. It was also good to be involved in a project which will benefit the local community.”

The Rotary Club of Nantwich typically raises around £5,000 over the Christmas period for worthy causes. Santa and his sleigh will be in Nantwich on:


Monday December 8 (Queens Drive)

Tuesday December 9 (Manor Road)

Wednesday December 10 (Wellington Road)

Thursday December 11 (Shrewbridge Road)

Monday December 15 (Cronkinson East)

Tuesday December 16 (Cronkinson West)

Wednesday December 17 (Kingsley Fields)


Friday December 12 (Sainsbury’s)

Thursday December 18 (The Square)

Friday December 19 (Sainsbury’s)

Results prove Reaseheath makes a huge difference to students and to its local community

Reaseheath College contributes £85.7 million in additional income per year to the local business com­munity, a new report shows.

This was one of the key findings in a recent independent analysis of the social and economic impact of the Nantwich, Cheshire, college by Economic Modelling Specialists International (emsi).

Figures from the report show that Reaseheath generates income equal to 0.3% of Cheshire and Warrington’s total economy, a figure which represents 3,426 average wage jobs.

Statistics show that the skills and qualifications acquired by former Reaseheath students bolstered Cheshire and Warrington’s economy by enabling employers to increase outputs. This added £65.7 million in income to the regional economy per year.

The analysis also found that the expenditure of Reaseheath and its staff generated approximately £19.6 million in new income to the total regional output per year. In addition, non local students attending the college brought in over £407,000 in new income by spending on goods and services.

Reaseheath Principal Meredydd David

Reaseheath Principal Meredydd David

Summing up, the report states: “Reaseheath College makes a significant positive impact not only on its students but on society, taxpayers and the local business community. Not only does the college spend money within Cheshire and Warrington and employ a large staff, it also trains students to be valuable employees in the region’s workforce. These roles all add value to local businesses by increasing their level of outputs and generating a need for further jobs, creating additional income.”

Students also benefit financially from studying at Reaseheath. The report found that every £1 students paid for their education yielded £7.30 in higher wages in the future – an 18.9% annual return on investment

Statistics showed that students paid a total of £2.5 million to cover the cost of tuition fees, books and supplies in 2012 -2013 and that they also lost £21.9 million which they would have earned had they been working instead of learning. In return they should expect to receive £178.1 million (present value) in increased earnings over their working lives.

The report declared: “Reaseheath’s mission is to deliver excellence to its students. The experiences they receive at college have the power to shape the rest of their lives and put them on the path to becoming happy and productive members of their ommunities. Reaseheath also plays a key role in helping them increase their employability and achieve their individual potential.”

Another key point to come out of the report was that the general public will receive £6.00 in return for every £1 invested in Reaseheath – an annual return of 18.4%. The gain was through added income and in savings to society

Figures showed that society in general invested £66.8 million in Reaseheath through direct outlays and the loss of potential output from students who were studying rather than working. In repayment, society received £401.3 million (present value) over the course of the students’ working lives through higher taxes and social benefits such as reduced crime, lower unemployment and increased health and well-being.

Reaseheath Principal Meredydd David commented: “We are delighted that this independent report highlights Reaseheath’s major input into the economy and particularly the way we are able to support and stimulate income for our local community. It also underlines what we have long believed – that high level education and skills is a hugely important economic driver.”

He emphasised that, to ensure that its students had the competitive edge in the jobs market, Reaseheath has invested £40 million into specialist facilities and resources. A further £23 million of investment was planned over the next two years to provide a national centre for horticulture and environmental management, further halls of residence and additional social and recreational facilities.


Reaseheath students go orange for orangutans

Reaseheath College animal management students went orange to help save one of the world’s most endangered apes.

The students dressed in orange and asked others to do the same during fund raising activities for the ‘Go Orange for Orangutans’ campaign. Their efforts raised over £300 for the campaign, which was run by Chester Zoo as part of its “Act for Wildlife” initiative to raise money for conservation projects worldwide.

Two groups of students took part. Seventeen Level 2 Diploma in Animal Care ‘Group B’ students raised £227 after being sponsored by family and friends to dress up in orange while members of Reaseheath’s Conservation Society raised £76 by holding a social event in the student bar. This included the free services of DJ Sam Walton, courtesy of Moo Media UK. As well as raising funds, the students  also took the opportunity to talk about the plight faced by orangutans due to habitat loss.

The Level 2 Diploma students presented their cheque to Penny Rudd, Chester Zoo’s Registrar and Internships Co-ordinator, when she visited the campus last week. The Conservation Society members handed over their donation during a recent trip to the zoo.

Level 2 animal care group b students l-r Penny Rudd Chester Zoo students ashleigh goldstraw and robbie kelly

Chester Zoo’s Penny Rudd receives the donation from Level 2 Diploma in Animal Care students Ashleigh Goldstraw and Robbie Kelly.

Chester Zoo’s appeal has raised over £13,000 to be used to provide specialist camera traps in Borneo, the last stronghold of the wild orangutan.

Penny Rudd, who is a former Reaseheath governor and has strong links with the animal management department, said: “It has been wonderful to meet students who are so keen to become involved in a real conservation project.

“Orangutans face a very uncertain future owing to habitat destruction, mainly caused by the widescale production of unsustainably farmed palm oil. Along with Reaseheath, Chester Zoo aims to actively encourage and educate young people who will have the power to influence the future. In this case we need to encourage shoppers to buy only the products which contain responsibly sourced palm oil (look for the RSPO signs on packaging!) This could have a major impact in saving what little habitat is left for the orangutans.”

Level 2 Diploma in Animal Care Course Manager Holly Berry said: “Our students were particularly keen to help as they had learned about the plight of wild orang-utans during their lectures. Both the students and I were very proud to have raised money for such a worthy cause”

For further details see and for more details about Reaseheath’s animal management courses see

Reaseheath students pay tribute to Britain’s war veterans

Representatives from the Reaseheath College’s Students Association were among those to join representatives from the Royal British Legion at Crewe Station on Monday for a special platform service to mark Remembrance Day. The service was marked by the arrival of a sign written Virgin pendolino train which will bear the insignia of a poppy on its cab for the next year.

students join Remembrance Day service at Crewe station

Students from the Nantwich college had spent the previous week helping to raise funds for the Poppy appeal in the station alongside ex servicemen. The Crewe campaign raised more than £4,000.

Stuart Kay, Chairman of the Crewe branch of the Royal British Legion said: “Reaseheath students behaved in a very professional manner and helped us considerably in our fund raising efforts. These young people appreciate that many servicemen and women are the same age as themselves and are involved in current conflicts throughout the world.”

Virgin Hero Royal British Legion Standard BearerStudents and staff also turned out in force at a college service to commemorate Remembrance Day. Hundreds gathered around the flagpole to hear an address by Principal Meredydd David and observed two minutes’ silence at 11am on Monday.