Learning Support at Reaseheath College

The Learning Skills Centre

If you have a learning difficulty or disability the Learning Skills Centre (LSC) at Reaseheath College can help to support you to maximise your potential and reach your learning goals.

Our experienced staff can offer you targeted support to enable you to access your chosen course.

This support aims to enable you to access all the opportunities college has to offer and help you have the most positive experience at Reaseheath.

We will assess your support by talking to you about it, talking to your parent/carer and by contacting your school or local authority to find out about any previous support you may have accessed.

We aim to provide an inclusive and person-centered approach to support. If you require further information or have any general enquires about learning support at Reaseheath please email LSC@reaseheath.ac.uk or call on 01270 613199.

Support at Reaseheath


If you have a learning difficulty or disability, please answer ‘yes’ to any relevant questions on your application.

Once your application is processed, you will be contacted for an interview. If you feel you need support at interview, please let us know on your application.


The interview for a college course will include a series of questions about wellbeing and learning support.
Please provide as much accurate information as you feel is necessary so that the LSC can determine the level of support that you need.

Support Planning

If you are successful at interview and given a conditional offer,  if you agree to be contacted by the LSC,  we will then get in touch to discuss support and offer the opportunity to complete a support plan.


Please let the college know in interview if you have a EHCP along with any other relevant support information.

Support we can Offer

We will look to support every student’s individual learning requirements; some support options may include:

  • Support at interview
  • Transition support
  • Assignment support
  • In-class support
  • Spld specific support
  • Assistive Technology and equipment e.g. laptops, software, etc.
  • Modification of learning materials
  • Exam access arrangements
Assessing your Support Options

When assessing your support options we may need to:

  • Meet with you to discuss your needs and complete a Support Plan
  • Attend Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) meetings and reviews (if applicable)
  • Gather relevant information/evidence to further understand your needs
  • Communicate on a regular basis with teaching staff to share the relevant information and provide updates regarding your progress
  • Support teaching staff with information and training about specific learning difficulties and disabilities
  • Liaise with other support areas in the college
  • Review the support you receive on a regular basis
  • Discuss and agree any changes that will be made to your support with you
  • Promote your independence
Support Plans

A Support Plan is a document created by a learner with the assistance of LSC staff.

This document tells teaching and support staff what they need to do to assist you in accessing your course and achieving your qualification.

The plan will contain information about the things you may find difficult and the strategies to overcome the barriers you may encounter at college. The plan will be written from your perspective, in simple and direct language instructing staff on how to support your individual learning requirements.

Exam Access Arrangements

If you declared you previously had support in exams, as part of our support offer we will contact you to ask you for evidence of this from your school or college.

Examples of exam access arrangements are: extra time, a reader, use of a laptop, coloured paper, etc.

It is very important we receive your evidence because without it we cannot apply for your exam access arrangements.

Higher Education

As an Approved Assessment Centre for Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) we can assess any student wishing to attend a higher education institution anywhere in the country.

Once you have your eligibility letter or email advising you to have a needs assessment, please contact the UCR Student Support Team:

Tel: 01270 613288

Email: UCRsupport@reaseheath.ac.uk.

Click the button below to view our NMH rates and information for needs assessors.