How can Multiply Help You

If you are aged 19 and over and don’t have maths GCSE at grade 4 (or equivalent), you can access free numeracy courses through Multiply to build your confidence with numbers and gain a qualification.

Maths Anxiety

We understand that many people experience maths anxiety which can hold you back. This anxiety can manifest in physical symptoms that are difficult to deal with. Furthermore, it may influence your decisions; math anxiety could prevent you from pursuing a job or a promotion or hinder you from assisting your children with their homework.

Our Multiply courses are tailored and designed to assist individuals with maths anxiety in building their confidence with numbers. By taking small steps in learning, we aim to help you overcome any fears or difficulties you may have. Through engaging and enjoyable activities, we ensure that you never feel overwhelmed.

Day-To-Day Life

Families are facing increasing financial pressure with the rising cost of living impacting their budgets. It is now more important than ever to keep a close eye on expenses and be mindful of spending. The Multiply project is designed to support families in saving money on their shopping and to help them develop new skills for better money management. The positive impact of the project on individuals and families has been tremendous. By working with us, they have been able to stretch their money further and access a wider range of opportunities and activities.

Maths is an integral part of our daily lives, whether we realise it or not.

What are the benefits?

Good numeracy skills may unlock job opportunities and lead to higher wages or prepare you for further study. They also help in everyday life and improving numeracy could help with:

  • Understanding bills
  • Money management
  • Helping children with their homework
  • Baking and meal planning
  • Building your confidence and self-esteem
  • Getting a new job or promotion

We embed maths into the courses we run in such a way that participants don’t even realise they are learning math skills. They are simply having fun, and their actual math achievements are revealed at the end of each session. We ensure Multiply courses are creative, innovative, and an enjoyable way to learn.


Courses are delivered by supportive tutors who are invested in learners’ growth and confidence.  Whatever your motivation and preferred learning style, there will be a Multiply Course for you.

Supporting your adult maths journey, whatever your level.

Thank you Vicky for all the support and effort you put into teaching me maths.  I was scared of maths but you made it easy.