Do you like a personal challenge? Stand out from the crowd with our public services courses.
If you feel passionate about helping those in your community or further afield and you enjoy adventurous activities as part of a close- knit team, a career in the public services could be right up your street!
Our courses are designed to prepare you for entry into the public services sector and will give you the experience, the determination and the fitness levels you’ll require.
We’ll help you to develop your communication, leadership and teamwork skills and give you an understanding of our legal systems and how legislation is applied to current global situations.
If your future lies in helping others, our public services courses could be the gateway to a challenging and hugely rewarding career!
Student Success
Charlotte Watson
Level 3 Diploma in Public Services 2020
South Yorkshire Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship 2024
Job title: Police Officer
Ambition: Specialist role
“I’m a people person and I want the community we live and work in to be a safe environment. That’s why I feel privileged to have joined the police force, knowing I’ll have the skills and training to make a difference to people’s lives.
“I’ve almost completed my South Yorkshire Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship, a fully funded programme aimed at attracting new talent into the force. I’m a working response officer but have dedicated study periods for completing my final dissertation.
“Studying for the degree alongside my policing job has been hard work but it will definitely be worth it. I have widened my career prospects and learned from incredibly interesting specialists as well as from my peers.
“There are so many aspects to policing. You’re out in the community and every day is different. My Level 3 Diploma at Reaseheath was great preparation and definitely right for me. It enabled me to gain the necessary UCAS points for the apprenticeship and gave me so many relevant skills.”
Find out more
Why study Public Services at Reaseheath?
Our courses are industry focused so we’ll make sure you gain invaluable advice from industry professionals such as police dog handlers, prison officers and custom and excise personnel.
Get career ready with us and receive tailor made fitness training in our gym to prepare you for entry into the uniformed services.
You will learn about the impact of war and conflict and may have the opportunity to apply this knowledge through a study tour to Europe.
Enjoy adventurous training activities once a week such as bushcraft, land navigation and rock climbing.
You could potentially be involved with a police video training exercise, get plastered with mud during a residential Army taster camp and join a simulated house fire search at our local fire and rescue services HQ.
You may have the opportunity to go behind-the-scenes at the Houses of Parliament and take part in law making workshops; visit Safety Central and experience how prisons work.