Reaseheath food and farming event promises fun for families

Reaseheath College in Nantwich is preparing to welcome families onto its campus farm on Sunday June 7.

Open Farm Sunday is a national event supported by LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) and is geared to showing families what’s involved in being a British farmer.

The event is free, runs from 10am to 4pm and is suitable for all ages. Activities include tractor and trailer rides, farm tours with commentary, milking demonstrations and sheep racing. Families can also enjoy meeting the farm’s animals including pigs, sheep, cows and newly hatched chicks and have a go on an air rifle range. There will be pedal tractors and a farm trail quiz for younger visitors.

Lecturers will also be on hand to discuss career options with potential students.

Farm Secretary Miriam Howarth said: “The event is a great celebration of farming and food production. We are looking forward to showing families what the British farmer does best. We ‘re offering fun and educational activities for all ages, so hopefully everyone will find something to interest them.”

For more information visit or phone 01270 613240

Budding artist captures Reaseheath on a postcard

Congratulations to Naomi Dean, aged six, whose outstanding picture of a rural scene won a competition at our Family Festival to portray “Reaseheath on a Postcard”.

Naomi’s picture of a tractor in a field, complete with a farm cat, was unanimously declared the winner by judges from Reaseheath’s Higher Education Support Team who ran the competition. Team Leader Helen Kay said: “We chose Naomi’s entry because it was a beautiful picture which was well  thought out and used a good range of design materials.”

Naomi, who lives in Wistaston, is a pupil at Wistaston Berkeley Primary school and enjoys  drawing, crafts and ballet as well as being an animal lover. She and her family are regular visitors to Reaseheath events.

The lucky winner called into college last week with Dad Mike to collect her prizes, a family ticket for Reaseheath Zoo and a £5 book token.

Here she is, showing off that lovely postcard with Helen Kay.

Helen Kay, team leader HEST, with Naomi Dean and winning drawing

Helen Kay, team leader HEST, with Naomi Dean and winning drawing


Reaseheath takes top prize at Chelsea Flower Show

Reaseheath’s florists are celebrating after taking a top prize at RHS Chelsea, the world’s most prestigious flower show.

Anna Eite, Zoe Sillito, Emily Wiseman and Fiona Davies were crowned runners-up in the RHS Chelsea Floristry College of the Year competition, which took place on May 19.

The students, who were accompanied by Head of Floristry Sue Poole, were also awarded a silver medal for their impressive stand.

Anna, Zoe and Emily have completed their Level 3 Diploma in Floristry and are continuing their studies at Reaseheath while Fiona is studying for her Level 5 Master Diploma in Professional Floristry.

Our team created a spectacular display for an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ theme featuring a giant table, teapot, cake and chair, set off by an eight foot high mushroom made by our engineering department.

The Mad Hatters Tea Party, a jaunty mix of flowers in cerise, pink, turquoise, orange, violet, yellow and green, is continuing to wow the thousands of visitors to the show, which closes on Saturday.

Said Sue Poole: “I am hugely proud of the way the team pulled together to create their display and delighted that the quality of their work was recognised by such highly regarded judges. The girls did an amazing job considering they were under added pressure to perform to world-class standards.”

Reaseheath qualified for the national finals after winning the RHS Flower Show Tatton Park Floristry College of the Year title last year.

chair and cake stand

chair and cake stand

cake stand and teapot

cake stand and teapot

Chelsea victory for horticulture alumnus

Jack Willgoss, who studied for his National Diploma in Horticulture with us in 2005, featured in the BBC’s recent coverage of RHS Chelsea Flower Show after he and his wife won a silver-gilt medal for their stylish collection of violas.

Jack, who was awarded the title of ‘Best Student’ in his course, went on to train at RHS Garden Wisley where he met and later married Laura Crowe. The couple now run Wildegoose Nursery, home of Bouts Violas, in a Victoria walled garden at Munslow in Shropshire.

They became guardians of the UK’s largest collection of scented, hardy and perennial violas when the original owners retired in 2011.

During his time with us Jack helped to design and build our award winning show garden for the RHS BBC Gardeners World Live show. The garden was much admired by Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, when they visited the show.

Jack Willgoss (second right) celebrates at RHS BBC Gardeners World Live back in 2005 with the rest of the design and build team.

Jack Willgoss (second right) celebrates at RHS BBC Gardeners World Live back in 2005 with the rest of the design and build team.

Phenomenal success for Reaseheath Family Festival

Thousands of visitors flocked to Reaseheath College on Sunday to join in the college’s fun filled Family Festival.

Jack and Annabel Jones from Woore meet Daff and Dehlia

Jack and Annabel Jones from Woore meet Daff and Dehlia

The Nantwich campus was packed with families, many of whom had travelled from outside the region to enjoy the hundreds of activities and displays on offer.

A giant Tyrannosaurus Rex called Tyrone proved a great hit among young visitors as he roamed the lawns while TV personalities the Fabulous Baker Brothers, Tom and Henry Herbert, drew in the crowds with their cookery demonstrations.

Another highlight was a display of natural horsemanship and daring trick riding by the highly trained Atkinson Action Horses, which performed at the college’s Equestrian Centre.

The action packed programme, themed on science and nature, also featured a calf show, sheep shearing, a farmers’ and craft market, student horse riding displays, tours of the college’s zoo, a fun dog show and displays of classic cars and agricultural and military vehicles.

Atkinson Action Horses Roman riding

Atkinson Action Horses Roman riding

Visitors also took the chance to try out the college’s indoor climbing wall, operate a digger, have a go at tree climbing and bushcraft, try brick laying and joinery and test their skills on the high ropes course. Crowds toured the college’s food processing halls, watched lamb boning and cheese making demonstrations and enjoyed making chocolate. There was also lively entertainment from local dance groups and bands.

Reaseheath students took the opportunity to raise money for their RAG (raising and giving) appeal, which in 2015 goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, while former students took the chance to meet up with fellow members of Reaseheath’s Alumni Association.

The Fabulous Baker Brothers Tom and Henry Herbert with Judith Allman

The Fabulous Baker Brothers Tom and Henry Herbert with Judith Allman

Describing the event as ‘phenomenally successful’, Principal Meredydd David said: “It was wonderful to see so many families thoroughly enjoying themselves. The whole campus looked superb, with plenty of activities supporting our science and technology theme.

“I spoke to many visitors who had had a fantastic time but still had not been around the whole campus as there was so much to see and do.

“The whole day was full of the “Reaseheath Experience” of which we are all so proud. This could not have been delivered without the fantastic efforts of all the Reaseheath team.

“The popularity of the festival is further evidence of the huge interest in Reaseheath and its work, especially its success in progressing students into higher education or into successful careers in professions and industries where there are great opportunities.”

See below for a selection of photographs from the the day!


Talented George is Apprentice of the Year

Talented Crewe Alexandra FC forward George Cooper has been crowned ‘Apprentice of the Year’ for League 1 in a national competition ‘run by the League Football Education (LFE).

The first team player was chosen over entrants from clubs nationwide for the outstanding progress he made in both his sport and academic studies while he has been an apprentice at the famous Crewe Alex Football Academy.

George, 18, was put forward for the competition after impressing Reaseheath College Lecturer in Sports Performance Lauren Goff, Head of Education at Crewe Alex Dave Whiteside and Regional Officer for the LFE Keith Leighton with his progress both on the pitch and with his college studies. His selection, over ten other football apprentices, was announced at The Football League Awards earlier this month.

George, who lives in Warrington, was offered a three year professional contract by Crewe Alex last April and has played and scored in several League One matches. As well as continuing his football training with the club, he has been studying sports related topics and key skills at Reaseheath College in Nantwich, with fellow Academy members.

He has just completed his Level 3 Diploma in Sport Performance and Excellence qualification as well as Functional Skills at Level 2 in Maths and English.

Course manager Lauren explained: “We put George forward because he has worked hard at his academic studies. He has also shown maturity by the way he has coped with the demands of continuing his education alongside his blossoming career as a professional footballer. He will be an asset in any sporting career.”

George said: “I was surprised and very pleased to gain this award. Although I enjoy playing football, being a member of the Academy and coming to college has given me the chance to study subjects like nutrition and coaching. Thanks to the support from my tutors I have achieved qualifications which will help widen my career choices after I’ve retired from professional playing.”

  • Reaseheath and Crewe Alexandra FC have worked together for some years to deliver the academic programme for the Football Academy. Reaseheath is launching Ladies’ and Men’s Football Academies in partnership with Crewe Alex to give talented young footballers the chance to enhance their football skills while studying for a nationally recognised sport qualification. Applications being taken for this September. For further details email

Caption: Crewe Alex forward George Cooper celebrates winning LFE ‘Apprentice of the Year’ with Reaseheath sports lecturers Louise Finney and Lauren Goff

Hustings further informs student voters

Students and staff had the opportunity to further inform their vote at next week’s General Election at a political hustings with our local parliamentary candidates.

Councillor Richard Lee (UKIP), Mr Roy Wood (Lib Dem), Antoinette Sandbach (Conservative), Dr Adrian Heald (Labour) and Dr Andrew Garman (Green Party) were on campus last week to take part in a Q and A session.

Lively debate between the candidates and their audience included discussion on how the parties intended to improve the financial position of 18 – 24 year olds, what measures are proposed to make farming more sustainable and whether the candidates support he ‘Nature and Wellbeing Act’ being put forward by the RSPB and Wildlife Trusts.

The hustings was organised by our Students Services team and was the latest of a number of political sessions to ensure our students are able to make the best use of their vote on May 7, whether they live locally or nationally.

the audience applauds

Reaseheath College accreditation success

Following a rigorous four day evaluation by an independent external assessor Reaseheath College has been awarded the ‘matrix Standard’ for the quality of our Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) service.

The matrix Standard is a unique outcome-based quality accreditation, which confirms that the services the College provides are of the highest standard.

In order to be awarded this standard, Reaseheath was required to show that it is able to deliver an effective IAG service that is impartial and objective; it is able to review, evaluate and develop the IAG service to bring about continuous improvement; encourages the take up of professionally recognised qualifications and the continuous professional development of their staff and services.

The feedback from the external assessor identified a number of particular strengths that Reaseheath demonstrates:

  •  Dedicated staff with a clear commitment to implementing college values
  • Robust and inspirational leadership and management, with a clear vision and a clear approach to strategic planning
  • The competency framework has enabled the college to define the skills, knowledge and competencies required for every job role more effectively
  • staff confirmed that the performance review process ensures that there are very strong links between the college aims and objectives and individuals’ personal objectives
  • The organisation of the HR team with Business Partners linked to departments is particularly effective.
  • A strong induction process for staff, with a thorough mentoring process that works well
  • The effective use of external partnerships to support the quality assurance process

Some comments made by students included in the report:

“The team are very supportive and willing to share; they’re helping me to know what I want to do in the future.”

 ”Their passion shows through; really inspiring.”

 “You learn stuff about yourself you never would have.”

“They’ve given me my identity back.”

 “I was absolutely amazed by the support I got. I can talk to anyone for advice without feeling stupid”

Quality Improvement Manager Graham Harbage said: “To be awarded this challenging standard is a testament to the superb work that goes on across the college in supporting both our students and our staff, and congratulations must go to everybody who is involved in providing IAG services that are officially recognised as being of the highest standard.”

Cane toad sadly passes away

The animal management department are sad to announce the loss of the College’s cane toad Rita. She passed away during the Easter holidays, likely to be of old age. She has been at the College for 7 years, however her age is unknown as this wasn’t clear when she was donated to the Zoo. Rita helped many students learn practices such as chytrid swabbing, biosecurity protocols and service orders and will be missed by many.

WorldSkills UK heat tests landscaping skills

Future garden landscapers demonstrated their skills at the north west regional heat of the WorldSkills UK competition, run on campus last week.

Horticultural students and apprentices from across the region, including six of our own students, took part in the knock-out heat which was run by the Association of Professional Landscapers.

Following a similar elimination round in the south of the country, the highest scoring students will go to the RHS Flower Show Tatton Park for further training and to get used to appearing in front of big crowds. This year’s final will be held at The Skills Show at the NEC Birmingham in the autumn.

The competitors had to build a decked unit in a timed session and were marked on the quality of their work and attention to detail. We put forward Level 3 Extended Diploma Horticulture students India Hill, Jay Hevingham and Finin Talbot (from Year 1) and Joshua Camm and Christopher Shore (from Year 2). Last year’s finalist Richard Carden also took part.

The students have been preparing for the competition this term thanks to the efforts of hard landscape tutor Jason Hinks. They will hear who has been selected for the next round in May.

Jodie Lithgard, lead judge and trainer said: “The competitors produced work to a good standard. This is very pleasing as we are putting all our efforts into increasing the standard of skills coming into the industry.”

WorldSkills UK feeds into the Olympic-styled Worlds Skills final, held every two years to showcase the world’s top young talent in vocational industries.

Former Level 3 Extended Diploma in Horticulture student Matt Beesley, 21, is in the final selection for this year’s international squad which will represent GB in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in August.

Matt, has progressed to become Director of Beesley’s Landscapes and employs two apprentices, both of whom took part in Reaseheath’s regional heat. Matt built a garden for RHS Chelsea Flower Show last year alongside Jodie Lidgard and this year will partner garden designer Sharon Hockenhull in the build of the ‘Light Catcher’ visionary garden at RHS Flower Show Tatton Park.

To find out more about our horticulture courses visit