‘Question Time’ helps students to plan their future

Turn technology to your advantage, study the market and do what you do really well. This was the key advice given to Reaseheath agriculture students at a ‘question time’ discussion on careers in farming and food production.

FE students inspired by peers

FE agriculture students gained an insight into the world of Higher Education from their peers in an innovative progression event being trialed for the first time in college.

Year 10 pupils choose prize winning pigs

Local school children who are studying agriculture at Reaseheath have selected pigs which went on to take top prizes at a premier livestock show.

Food Centre continues international partnership with Tetra Pak

Multi-national engineers and technical operators from global processing and food packaging specialist Tetra Pak have been enjoying a bespoke training course in our industry standard dairy processing halls.

Innovation event showcases undergraduate talent

Ways in which our undergraduates could work with regional businesses to the benefit of both were examined at a promotional event held on campus.

Farming technology explored on The Cat

Innovative technology and its use in farming and food production made for a lively conversation between Programme Leader and HE Course Manager in Agriculture Mark Biddulph and presenter Des Machin on our local community radio station ‘The Cat’.

Stock judging teams rise to College Challenge

Reaseheath’s stock judging teams have continued their run of success in the College Challenge at the East of England Winter Stock Festival, Peterborough.

Food Innovation Room dedicated to former colleague

Reaseheath College’s Food Industry department has honoured a former colleague by dedicating a technical centre to him.

Christmas market and zoo grotto bring Reaseheath festive cheer

Over 2,000 shoppers poured into Reaseheath College in Nantwich on Saturday, eager to buy original gifts made by local designers and craftspeople.

Animal management students praised for Ecuador projects

Our animal management students have been praised for making a difference to the lives of remote communities in Ecuador during a study trip last summer.