Families expected to flock to Reaseheath Lambing Weekends

A bigger and even better experience will be on offer to visitors to Reaseheath College when it opens for its popular Lambing Weekends next month.

Reaseheath celebrates apprentice ‘stars’

A high flying dairy apprentice who now plays a leading role in training a UK wide team took top honours at an apprenticeship awards ceremony held at Reaseheath College in Nantwich.

New family arrivals for Henning the porcupine

A porcupine bred at Reaseheath’s Mini Zoo in Nantwich has fathered two adorable newborns which have just gone on display at London Zoo.

Reaseheath College students give ducks a safe place to nest

Game and wildlife management students at Reaseheath College in Nantwich have built and installed desirable residences for mallard ducks in a bid to help boost the native population.

T Levels

Reaseheath benefits from T Level funding boost

Reaseheath College is among leading educational institutions to benefit from a 10% funding boost to support T Level roll out, announced by the government today.

Reaseheath College and First Bus welcome Roads Minister during National Apprenticeship Week

Reaseheath College welcomed Roads and Local Transport Minister Richard Holden MP onto campus during National Apprenticeship Week (February 6 – 12) to see the progress of the UK’s first dedicated Bus and Coach Engineering Academy.

Free training leading to careers in the Food Industry

Reaseheath College is offering unemployed people the chance to receive free training leading to careers in the food industry.

Inspirational young amputee footballers share their stories

Inspirational young footballers from our partners the England Amputee Football Association (EAFA) shared their stories on BBC’s popular The One Show on Monday.

Plough Sunday shines a light on mental health in farming

A packed congregation of local parishioners and members of the agricultural community celebrated the new farming year at a Plough Sunday service held at Reaseheath College in Nantwich.

Reaseheath College to host world famous floral designer

Florists and flower arrangers will have a rare opportunity to watch world famous floral designer and author Gregor Lersch at a lecture demonstration at Reaseheath College in Nantwich on Monday April 3.