Students are required to have the following items:
Fitness Equipment & Clothing:
- Reaseheath Fitness kit (cost to be confirmed at start of academic year and the link to purchase)
- Fitness bottoms / leggings
- Gym trainers
- Sports bra (as applicable)
- Stopwatch / watch with timer
- Water bottle
Note: Jewellery MUST NOT be worn on any practical sessions (Instructors will preclude you from participating).
- A4 folders
- Academic diary can be useful
- Notepad and pens
- Scientific calculator
- Smart phone and laptop are recommended
- USB memory stick
Gym Membership: Yearly gym membership of the RHC Gym is included as a student studying on this course.
Educational Trips: You may participate in a number of educational trips and other events relevant to your programme of learning. You will be informed by your Course Manager of the cost of these mandatory trips as they are arranged. Payment will be required via the College’s Online Store.
Study Tours
The department may offer students the opportunity to participate in extra-curriculum study tours such as ski-ing, sailing, Royal British Legion tours and football tournaments. These will be at an additional cost and will be advertised as and when they are arranged.
Health Information & Acknowledgement of Risk
At the start of the academic year you will be asked to complete a Sport & Public Services Activity & Risk Consent Form. This provides any additional health/medical information which was not declared on your original application (the department requires full disclosure of past and present injuries which may present a risk during sport participation). Students who carry medication must indicate these on the form and carry the medication at all times. The form includes an acknowledgement of risk and consent for use of various media formats (ie: video, photographs).
Work Experience
Work Experience is an essential part of your Programme of Learning. All students must complete work experience within industry. Investigate opportunities within the fitness industry as soon as you can.