Academy of Foundation Learning and Life Skills

Develop vital personal, learning and employability skills to help you prepare for adulthood and the world of work in our Academy of Foundation Learning and Life Skills.

You’ll learn about subjects that interest you and our very experienced staff, who have worked extensively with young people, will be on-hand to support you in achieving your goals.

Work experience placements, volunteering opportunities and fundraising activities will help boost your confidence. As your confidence grows, you’ll develop key employability skills such as time keeping, understanding body language and learning how to work as part of a team. You’ll also continuing to improve your English and maths.

You’ll be based in Chaffinch, our £1.5 million purpose-built centre, solely for use by our foundation students. You’ll also have access to industry standard facilities across campus and, depending on which course you choose, you could find yourself learning and gaining work experience in our industry standard Food Centre, equestrian centre, commercial farm, sports centre or in our specialist teaching zoo and purpose-built farm barn.

Our supportive team of staff really want you to succeed and will help you fulfil your aspirations.

Entry Level Programme

Foundation Learning Level 1 Programmes

Career Development Pathway (CDP)

Supported Internships for Students

Supported Internships for Employers

Find out more

Why study Foundation at Reaseheath?

Boost your confidence and learning skills in a supportive environment and gain ‘on-the- job’ experience with our foundation courses.

If you’d like to improve your academic, personal and employability skills after leaving school, there’s nowhere better than Reaseheath. We provide opportunities for all members of the community to learn and develop so they can reach their full potential.

Last year 98% of our students progressed into employment or further learning and we will guide you through a range of options to help you get paid (or voluntary) work so you can enjoy greater independence.

  • You’ll be learning in our classrooms and industrial units where you’ll develop your practical skills and knowledge to industry standards.
  • Our friendly and highly qualified staff will support you throughout your learning journey.
  • Learn about things you are passionate about while you improve your English and maths – you can choose from subjects such as Agriculture, Animal Care, Engineering, Horticulture, Conservation, Countryside Management and Equine.
  • Gain new skills while being part of an inclusive college community where your views, opinions and contributions matter by becoming a Student Rep, Ambassador or peer mentor.
  • You will be supported in your preparation for work by completing a work placement, by developing your personal learning, improving your thinking skills and working as part of a team.
  • You can join fundraising activities and help to organise events to raise money for local charities.

Reaseheath College has on-site residential accommodation for up to 600 students, fully supported by a 24/7 Student Support Team. Apply for your accommodation today!
Apply Now for September!