Reaseheath recognised as ‘Good’ for quality of care

An Ofsted Care Standards inspection, carried out in January 2022, awarded a Reaseheath a ‘Good’ rating for its effectiveness in all areas inspected.

Key comments from the inspection judgement of overall experiences and progress of young people include:

“Young people and staff have excellent relationships.”
Students feel supported, with staff readily available and approachable. This fosters a happy and secure environment where students make friends and enjoy their college experience.

“Young people are given an appropriate and helpful induction when they arrive at the college.”
This ensures they understand what services and support are available to them.”

“Students receive tailored support and help to meet their individual needs.” Linked electronic systems pinpoint individual student needs and while accurate staff input remains a focus, strong staff-student relationships and clear communication also ensures all students receive the support they deserve.

“Young people are encouraged and supported to engage in a range of extracurricular activities.”
Sports clubs, societies, and relevant clubs offer opportunities to socialise, develop new skills, and build confidence and self-esteem – all while complementing their academic pursuits.

“Student services staff, the safeguarding team and student activities teams are passionate, keen and focused on young people’s experiences.”
Dedicated staff curate engaging social and recreational activities, informed by data-driven insights for continuous improvement.

“Students are given opportunities to learn life skills and gain work experience outside of their academic courses.”
From writing business plans for on-campus ventures to paid leadership roles, students gain valuable experience that boosts their CVs and builds confidence on their path to independence.

“An on-site chaplain, who is accessible and actively engages with young people contributes to the college’s promotion of students’ identity and sense of self.”
Reaseheath College fosters a welcoming environment that embraces identity. An accessible chaplain provides both faith-based and non-faith activities and support, enriching student life.

“The well-being team is knowledgeable and keen and has a good understanding of the needs of young people in the college.”
A knowledgeable and dedicated team offers comprehensive support, from technology-aided resources to expert counsellors and partnerships with external agencies, ensuring students receive the emotional and welfare support they need.

“Young people who live at the college have excellent attendance at their education provision.”
This is fuelled by engaging courses and a strong culture. Non-attendance triggers follow-ups with dedicated staff, ensuring timely support and continued academic success.

“Regular internal feedback from students is obtained.”
The college encourages open communication and feedback, through surveys, discussions, and dedicated representatives, ensuring the student voice is heard and valued.

Young people’s health needs… are promoted.”
Reaseheath champions student health. From one-on-one emotional health sessions to sexual health resources and self-care initiatives, students receive comprehensive support that empowers them to thrive.

Other findings around how well young people are helped and protected, and the effectiveness of leadership and managers were evaluated as being ‘Good’.

Inspectors found that Reaseheath prioritises student safety and well-being. Students receive clear training on sensitive topics like peer-on-peer abuse and sexual violence, and feel comfortable speaking openly with trusted staff about any concerns. A strong teamwork approach ensures all staff are equipped to handle situations effectively, with staff refreshing their knowledge on the latest safeguarding guidance. Open communication and a well-implemented disciplinary system further contribute to a safe and secure environment.

The college also supports student well-being with experienced leadership. The Head  Student Services fosters strong external partnerships and uses data effectively to address emerging concerns. Regular staff reviews and reflective practice opportunities ensure a consistently high standard of care.

Governors provide robust oversight and actively participate in improving the residential experience. The designated safeguarding governor possesses a deep understanding of student issues and champions continuous improvement. The governing body demonstrates a clear commitment to student safety and a secure living environment.

Read the full report here.