Jon Bowden

Level 3 Advanced Technical Extended Diploma in Forestry and Arboriculture

“Before studying at Reaseheath College I was stuck in a dead-end self-employed job as a floor layer hating going to work every Monday being stuck inside every day. Making the decision to change career and study at Reaseheath has so far been one of the best decisions I’ve made, I have made some lifelong friends and gained skills and knowledge that I didn’t even imagine I would have 2 years ago.
Being someone with little academic history and being a mature learner I had reservations about Embarking on a 2 year journey of studying a new trade but I can honestly say that with the help from all the brilliant staff at Reaseheath those worries quickly went away, the knowledge and skills, they have set me up for a hopefully lucrative future in a career that will make me want to get up on a Monday morning.
I’ve not only learnt the fundamentals of the practical side, but I’ve really enjoyed the theory behind trees and their biology something I was not expecting being a very practical person and not previously academic at all. In fact, the career path I am now exploring is now far from the one I initially set out in my mind, I aim to continue to learn and go on to a degree level course in arboriculture this is all thanks to the enthusiastic approach to learning the tutors at Reaseheath provide. I have nothing but good things to say about my time at Reaseheath and I would recommend it to anyone looking starting a land based career or anyone wanting a career change.”