Reaseheath College has been honoured by health chiefs for its commitment to the health and wellbeing of its students.

We are proud to have received a Silver Award for Self Care from NHS Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for our extensive efforts to provide our students with information and guidance on how to maintain good physical and mental health and on how to manage minor ailments effectively.

The silver plaque was presented to Safeguarding Officer James Payne and Student Life Officer Rachel Stoddard by CCG Community Engagement Manager Leanne Hill at Reaseheath’s Freshers’ Fair.

The award recognises a string of innovations including the displaying of Self Care posters and leaflets around the college, regular discussion of wellbeing issues at student and staff meetings and the introduction of mental health checklists in student bedrooms. The lists offer tips such as checking in with friends and taking regular breaks from social media.

Reaseheath has also appointed an army of Self Care Champions from among students and staff and has developed a wellbeing plan based on the findings of a student survey.

After receiving the award, James said: “We want our students to thrive and be happy, and to reach out to staff and each other if they’re struggling. We believe that our commitment to the promotion of health and wellbeing is creating the right conditions for that to happen.”

Leanne added: “Reaseheath’s dedication to the fostering of wellbeing is clear for all to see. Its approach is not only in the best interests of the students but is also good news for the NHS, as it helps reduce avoidable demand on services at a time when resources are stretched to the limit.”

Reaseheath is the first Cheshire college to receive a Silver Award but is not resting on its laurels and is already drawing plans to apply for a Gold Award after Christmas.

As well as presenting the Silver Award at the fair, the CCG handed Self Care literature and Covid-19 testing kits to students and promoted forthcoming drop-in vaccination clinics at the college.

For more information visit  #ChooseWellCheshire.