Free GCSE English for Adults

Our GCSE English courses are FREE for anyone who is a UK resident, 19+ and does not have a grade C/4+ in the subject.

There is an initial assessment at the start of the GCSE course to identify strengths and areas for improvement. You will have an outline program of study topics and access to online resources to work at a pace that suits you. Independent study to consolidate your skills will be necessary.

If you have any questions or require more information please click here to complete our contact form.

Have a go

Student success

Clair – English student

I owe my success to the brilliant teaching I received, as my teachers were patient, supporting and they always went the extra mile for me.

It was so important for me to pass as I wouldn’t have been able to progress on to my level 3 qualification at Reaseheath without it.

Reaseheath College has on-site residential accommodation for up to 600 students, fully supported by a 24/7 Student Support Team. Apply for your accommodation today!
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