Free GCSE Maths for Adults

Our GCSE maths courses are FREE for anyone who is a UK resident, 19+ and does not have a grade C/4+ in the subject.

There is an initial assessment at the start of the GCSE course to identify strengths and areas for improvement. You will have an outline program of study topics and access to online resources to work at a pace that suits you. Independent study to consolidate your skills will be necessary.

If you have any questions or require more information please click here to complete our contact form.

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Student Success

Natalie – GCSE Maths

“I studied GCSE Maths and English in the same year at Reaseheath College. Studying them both at the same time was a lot of work, but it was so worth it!

“I passed GCSE English in the first year and, after a few attempts, I passed my GCSE maths qualification too. There were many times when I wanted to give up, especially because it wasn’t easy studying while working full time but eventually with hard work, support from all the tutors and their belief in me, I passed!

“I am so proud of my achievement, especially because with these qualifications I will now be able to achieve my dream job of becoming a paramedic.”

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