Students discover opportunities in the Landscape Architecture industry

Reaseheath College students interested in a career in Landscape Architecture discovered the options available to them at an informative careers event on campus.

British Horse Society inspires students to achieve additional qualifications

Leading Assessors of the British Horse Society (BHS) inspired Reaseheath College’s Equine students while explaining the benefits of achieving additional BHS qualifications alongside their diplomas.

Advanced Construction Training showcased at Reaseheath event

Partner colleges from Cheshire and Warrington came together to showcase the latest digital technology from the construction industry at a shared event hosted by Reaseheath College in Nantwich.

Sustainability forum offers practical insight and inspiration

Ways in which local businesses, organisations and individuals can take action for a more sustainable future were highlighted at a conference run jointly by Reaseheath College and Cheshire East Council.

Families flock to Reaseheath College’s Lambing Weekend

Thousands of visitors enjoyed a fantastic Springtime experience at Reaseheath College’s Lambing and Zoo Weekend in Nantwich, making it the most successful yet.