Twm hits the high notes

Reaseheath College trained arborist Twm-Tegid Brunton hit the high notes by singing Christmas carols from the top of a 100ft high redwood tree.

Wearing a fairy skirt over his safety harness Twm, a member of the North West Welsh Opera Choir, sang three carols in English and Welsh from his lofty perch to an audience below on the Nantwich campus.

Twm Brunton completes his singing fairy mission

Twm Brunton completes his singing fairy mission

He was supported by former fellow students Rob Hassall and George Gresty. All three completed their Level 3 Diploma in Forestry and Arboriculture at Reaseheath in the summer and now work in the industry.

Twm is running his own forestry and arboriculture service while continuing to gain further engineering skills at Reaseheath. Rob is a self-employed tree climber while George works for a large tree surgery firm.

Jono Finlow, Alan Mottram, Twm Brunton, George Gresty, and Rob Hassall

Jono Finlow joined by Alan Mottram, Twm Brunton, George Gresty, and Rob Hassall

The three friends held their high-rise carol concert to raise funds for the Disaster Arborist Response Team (DART), which sends teams of qualified and experienced tree surgeons to countries that have been hit by natural disasters such as earthquakes. Working alongside other humanitarian relief, DART teams clear trees and debris to ensure emergency teams have safe access.

DART trustee Jonathan Finlow, who is an assessor at Reaseheath and also teaches on the Level 3 Diploma in Forestry and Arboriculture, supported the fund raising effort alongside course manager Alan Mottram.

Jonathan said: “This was a fantastic effort by Twm and his support team, and by all the staff and students who helped and donated to our charity.

“DART is still only 18 months old but we have already achieved so much. We have minimal overheads and great sponsors for most of our kit, so all donations go directly to helping deploy a team to be of use in a disaster zone. As well as raising funds, we had the bonus of enjoying some unusually positioned festive songs.”

Twm has already raised over £500 towards his target of £1,000 for DART. You can still donate to show your support at

Reaseheath public services students ‘make a difference’ at Christmas

When tasked to ‘make a difference’, students on Reaseheath College’s Level 3 Diploma in Public Services course chose to bring joy to children whose illnesses will keep them in hospital over Christmas.

They focussed on helping young patients at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool, one of the country’s leading specialist hospitals, and donated well over £300 worth of Christmas presents.

A committee, elected by course members, organised the whole activity including contacting the hospital, communicating with relevant departments, advertising their campaign, collecting donations and adding presents themselves. They then organised a visit to the hospital to deliver the gifts.

Said Course Manager Liam Salt: “I’m extremely proud of all the students and how much they achieved with minimal input from me or other lecturers. They are a credit to their course, to the public services department and to Reaseheath College.

“The Alder Hey staff were genuinely grateful and couldn’t thank the students enough.”

Floristry students ‘deck the halls’ for Christmas Extravaganza

The floristry department  were delighted to be asked once again to use their floral skills to help decorate Arley Hall for their annual Christmas Floral Extravaganza.

The Floral Extravaganza, held 5th-10th December, saw Arley Hall decorated with thousands of fresh flowers by local florists, Reaseheath florists and other floristry college students.

It is the job of the team of the florists to create stunning displays to suit the grandeur of the halls interior to complete the Extravaganza. The various experts are charged with looking after one room or areas of the building and transforming it with blooms, garlands and striking decorative pieces.

Our students were tasked with decorating the gallery room. An initial site visit took place in November to allow the students to generate ideas for their displays. At this time the gallery was being used to film the ‘Peaky Blinders’ TV series, so nothing in the room was how it was going to be for the exhibition, including the colour of the walls, making the design process a little more difficult. However, with the aid of photographs and a little imagination the students rose to the challenge of working out where to place designs to achieve greatest impact.

After several weeks of planning, designing and prepping back at college, both Level  2 and Level  3 floristry groups went to Arley Hall to set up the exhibit over 2 days.

There has been some fantastic feedback  from Arley Hall and the general public. Helen Begent, Marketing Officer from Arley said: “The public reception to your room has been outstanding , visitors described the exhibit as ‘stunning’.”

It was a fantastic opportunity for students to be involved in the logistics of planning, designing and executing an actual event.

Festive fun at Reaseheath’s Christmas horse show

Neigh bells rang out at Reaseheath College’s Equestrian Centre, Nantwich, when Level 3 Extended Diploma in Horse Management students organised a Christmas themed horse show.

The students ran a fun schedule which included showjumping, equitation and best turned out classes and a festive fancy dress competition hotly contested by students and their horses. There was also a dog agility class.

The event was much enjoyed by fellow students and spectators from other departments.

All entry fees and money raised from raffles and cake sales will go to Reaseheath’s RAG charity The British Heart Foundation and to the Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre.

The students have to organise several events  as part of their events management module and will run another show next Easter.

Top picture caption: Student organisers Abi Ellard, Emma Clarke, Charlotte Taylor and Emily Walker are joined by supporters Tilly Herridge and Sarah Renton, who rides ‘Ryan’

Reaseheath’s Hoofstock Society spread Christmas spirit

Members of Reaseheath’s Hoofstock Society spread Christmas spirit by making festive outfits for some of the college’s paddock animals, then taking them for a charity walk round campus.

The students, three ponies and two donkeys visited departments across the college to collect donations for two favourite charities, The Donkey Sanctuary and the Horse and Pony Protection Association (HAPPA). The team, who had also made Christmas cookies, raised a total of £84.

Keeper Kerri Robson, who launched the Hoofstock Society, said: “Our walk round college has become a tradition and this year the members have made a big effort to make it bigger and better. It’s a really nice way to spread some cheer and get the animals and students involved”.

We decided to raise money for the Donkey Sanctuary as they need to raise £600,000 for a new donkey hospital. The members also felt they would like to make a donation to HAPPA and were delighted with the generous donations they received.”


Top picture caption: Lined up for the camera: Hoofstock members Nicole Hatcher, Sarah Eastwood, Victoria Copson, Daisy Kemp, Celia Gould, Charlotte Elwood, Danielle Wharton, Ben Fitzcosta and Jess Sellwood with ponies Frankie, Cassie and Jasmine  and donkeys Percy and Bertie            

 And here’s a pic of FD ADW undergraduate Nicole Hatcher, who made this smart Christmas outfit for miniature Shetland pony ‘Frankie’

Nicole Hatcher with miniature Shetland pony ‘Frankie’

Nicole Hatcher with miniature Shetland pony ‘Frankie’

Christmas Fair brings festive spirit to Reaseheath

A group of events management students got into the festive spirit by hosting their first Christmas Fair at Reaseheath.

Seven first year students on our Level 3 Events Management course organised the Christmas Fair to raise money for this year’s nominated charity, British Heart Foundation.

The students held the Christmas Fair in the historic Reaseheath Hall with around 15 stalls spread across the building.  Stall holders sold various festive treats and stocking fillers including chocolate, wooden toys, cupcakes and bird boxes.  Visitors also had the opportunity to meet Santa and Mrs Claus in a Christmas Grotto and enjoyed refreshments generously donated by our food and catering departments

Andy Boyle, a professional photographer and former Reaseheath student kindly volunteered his time and provided a novelty photo booth for the day, adding to the festivities. Andy studied agriculture at Reaseheath in the 1970s and is also a full time Dairy Herd Manager alongside running his photography business ‘Andy Boyle Photography’.

Students raised over £400 for British Heart Foundation, which has increased our current RAG total to £3,200.

Dressage dynasty holds masterclass at Reaseheath College

Riding and training enthusiasts had the privilege of watching the world’s most prolific dressage dynasty in action when the Eilberg family gave a masterclass at Reaseheath College’s Equestrian Centre in Cheshire.

A sell out audience watched internationally respected coach Ferdi Eilberg, son Michael, daughter Maria and protégé Greg Sims demonstrate training methods from just backed youngster to grand prix level.

Ferdi is British Dressage’s World Class Director of Coaching and oversees the training schedules of Britain’s top dressage riders as they prepare for major championships. He is also dressage trainer to Ireland’s eventing team and holds an honorary fellowship from the British Horse Society for his services to equestrianism.

Michael enjoyed an early career as a show jumper and has continued to compete at the highest level since changing disciplines. He was a member of the silver medal winning teams at both the World Equestrian Games and at the 2015 European Dressage Championships, and of the bronze medal winning team at the 2013 European Dressage Championships.

Maria is a previous British National Dressage Championships winner and was a member of the silver medal winning team at the 2009 European Dressage Championships.

With the family was Greg Sims, current British Dressage ‘Young Professionals Award’ holder, who completed his apprenticeship with the Eilbergs and is now a permanent member of staff. Greg, who specialises in starting off the young horses, partnered a four year-old gelding, ‘Scirocco’, to enable Ferdi to advise on early training, in particular the importance of allowing young horses time to adjust their balance to the weight of the rider.

Maria, who partnered advanced medium ride ‘T J Benjamin’, showed training progressing through lateral work to collection while Michael, who rode his small tour horse ‘Sa Coeur’ and British team horse ‘Marakov’, demonstrated training for movements up to piaffe and passage.

Members of the audience were so keen to question Ferdi and his team that they were still in Reaseheath’s indoor arena at 11pm!

Reaseheath Equine Event Co-ordinator Heather Cooper said: “Our supporters were delighted to have the chance to watch riders and trainers of such calibre here in Cheshire, and we have since received fantastic feedback.”

Coming up in early 2016: Eventing masterclasses by Oliver Townend and Lucinda Fredericks Check out our dates at 

Reaseheath flies high at AoC Sport regional tournaments

Two talented members of Reaseheath College’s trampolining squad are to represent the north west region at next year’s Association of Colleges (AoC) Sport National Championships.

Georgia Thomasson, 16, and Rosie Lucas, 17, who are both studying for their Level 3 Diploma in Sport Performance at the Nantwich college, took first and fourth place respectively in an AoC Sport regional qualifier for trampolining, held in Lancashire.

Eight members of Reaseheath’s trampolining team took part in the tournament. All put in strong performances and enjoyed their first experience of inter college competition. Based on their outstanding performances, Georgia and Rosie were selected for the north west trampolining squad and will compete at the AoC Sport National Championships, to be held in Tyne and Wear in April 2016.

The national championships is one of the largest annual sporting events in England, involving over 1.800 colleges. AoC Sport was formed to encourage Further Education students between the ages of 16 and 19 to participate in sport and physical activity as part of their college experience. This is the first time that Reaseheath students have qualified.

Reaseheath Sports Lecturer and Trampolining Coach Louise Finney said: “All of the team acted as great ambassadors for the college at the regional tournament, as not only did they perform well but they also supported each other and fellow competitors. They were also a wonderful help to the event organisers by assisting during the competition.

“I’d like to say a huge ‘well done’ to all the girls, and ‘best of luck’ to Georgia and Rosie at the national championships.”

Reaseheath students have enjoyed further successes at north west regional tournaments, although no others have qualified for the championships. The college’s male football team reached the semi-finals of the 7-a-side competition in Stockport against some very good college teams, while Luke Gideon came fourth at the regional tennis tournament in Chorley  against very strong opposition.

Reaseheath College Sport Maker Sarah Ruff said: “We are delighted at our students’ success at the regional tournaments and that we will have two students representing the north west at the national championships.”

Top caption: Rosie Lucas and Georgia Thomasson (centre) are flanked by fellow members of Reaseheath’s successful trampolining squad (on left) Gemma Hope, Sophia Bibby and Rhodd-alaw Parry (on right) Molly Ramsden, Lily Robertson and Ellie James

Student success at English Winter Fair

Our Level 3 Extended Diploma in Agriculture students proved they have a good eye for commercial livestock by selecting prize winning pigs for the English Winter Fair at Staffordshire Showground.

Twelve first year students in Practical Group D selected two pigs which were entered into different classes for the best pork carcase. They were particularly successful with a Large White Cross gilt, which came third out of 15 in a class hotly contested by professional producers.

To make their selection, the students had to choose two from around 150 pigs in our Stage 2 finishing house. Advised by Livestock Lecturer Julie Baskerville, they looked at the conformation and general condition of the pigs, then weighed them to make sure that they met the show class criteria.

One of their key missions was to select pigs which would give the best cuts of meat to suit the family table. Satisfyingly, the carcases made a great price at the post-show auction.

Said Julie: “At Reaseheath we concentrate on giving our students relevant experience which will help them in their future careers. This was a good lesson on the production of commercially viable pigs and we were delighted with our success.”

Reaseheath is one of a few land-based colleges to have a commercial pig unit. Run by Pig Unit Manager James Payne, a former Reaseheath agricultural student, our straw based, high welfare unit, which conforms to RSPCA Freedom Foods Standards, has 135 sows, each of which produce two litters annually. We sell about 50 finished pigs weekly and supply our local family butchers, Clewlows of Nantwich, along with other meat retailers.

Top caption: Julie Baskerville is pictured in our pig unit with two of her successful students, Richard Ratcliffe and Brad Walton

Horseracing careers seem a good bet for Reaseheath students

Reaseheath College equine students were introduced to the varied careers offered by the horse racing industry at an event run by Cheshire Racing Hub.

A day of talks and demonstrations, held at the college’s equestrian centre, illustrated careers ranging from the riding and care of racehorses to jobs within support industries such as farriery, veterinary services, equine dentistry, physiotherapy, nutrition and racing administration. There is currently a high demand nationwide for staff in all these areas.

The event was part of Cheshire Racing Hub’s ‘Racing Through Education’ project, which is raising awareness of the careers available among the county’s secondary school pupils, college students and veterinary undergraduates.

The initiative is being led by Cheshire West and Chester Council as part of its rural regeneration strategy, which aims to create jobs and build up the rural economy. Horse racing has been identified as a key economic driver within the region.

Reaseheath College is a partner in the project and is now offering a bespoke racing module within its equine courses. Over 40 students have taken up the option this year.

Around 130 students attended the event, hearing a talk on careers in racing by Emma Cassidy, a Roving Assessor for the Northern Racing College, and enjoying a practical riding session on Reaseheath’s mechanical horse.

They were also inspired by Carrie Ford, who in 2005 was the highest placed female jockey to be placed in the Grand National. Carrie is now National Education Officer for ‘Racing to School’, an education programme which emphasises how skills in maths and science can open the door to rewarding careers in horse racing.

Jockeys from Oliver Greenall Racing in Malpas rode two racehorses in the college’s indoor arena, discussed the care of racehorses and described their careers.

The event was aimed at Level 3 Diploma in Equine students but a second event for undergraduates on Reaseheath’s equine degree programmes is planned for next Spring. Cheshire Racing Hub has run an additional informative talk at Bishop Heber High School, Malpas, followed by a visit to a racing yard for interested pupils.

The Hub is also supporting five undergraduates from the Leahurst Veterinary College of the University of Liverpool with bursaries, enabling them to take up practical placements in the industry.

Chair of Cheshire Racing Hub Kay Kent said: “It’s important that young people fully realise how many vacancies are waiting for them both locally and nationally. It was a pleasure to see so many enthusiastic, knowledgeable and committed students at Reaseheath, some of whom will go on into rewarding careers within the horse racing industry.”

‘Racing Through Education’ is part of the British Horseracing Authority’s ‘Racing Together’ scheme to raise the profile of racing nationally within communities.